Saturday, 17 May 2014

Weekly Review - (21 April - 27 April)

Weekly Review  - (21 April - 27 April)

1- what tasks did I complete. 

2-What I didn't achieve that I was hoping to? 

3-General feeling of how the week went, was it successful or not! How could I improve next week. 

4-How will this week benefit my final outcome?

5-What I plan to do next week. 

1- This week I have finalised my project design concept of designing an indoor beach. I have started looking into building designs and how I could use the existing facade within my design. I have also started to gather some materials that I could used for my model by visiting various art shops, including the London Graphics centre and the 4D model shop. I have used feed back from my group crit and tutors to focus my design ideas and move forward with my project.

2- I have achieved everything that I hoped this week but need to make sure I keep my blog and sketchbook up to date.

3- I think visiting the art shops has expanded my design ideas by giving me inspiration into what my final outcome could potentially look like. I feel it was very successful in this I have managed to finalise my project ideas which is going to help me focus my project and enable to move forward faster.

4- By finalising my ideas and gathering materials early for my model, it means that I will have a longer period of time to start constructing my final model. This will mean that it will be of a better quality compared to if i had left it to the last minute.

5- Next week I would like to start working on my final model by doing experiments of my design before going onto start making the real thing. I will also need to work out how it is going to be constructed so I can organise time to use any machinery I may need.

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