Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Experimenting with Building Design

Experimenting with Building Design

After doing initial drawings in my sketchbook of potential building designs, I decided to start doing some experiments using cardboard to turn my ideas into 3D models that I could use to show my feedback group to get there opinions.

I used an aerial view picture of my location as a base which I then used to see what the buildings could look like in the area. My building show my ideas that were inspired by things you may find at the beach. These included sand castles, waves and beach balls.

I found doing these experiments very beneficial as I was able to visually see what some of my designs might look like and was also able to provide a visual representation of them to my crit group so I could get feedback on my project. Many of the people in my group said that the wave building did not look quite right within my location but all liked the beach ball building as they thought it would be eye catching and bring something unusual to the area.

In my opinion, I do not think that I will use any of these designs as my final structure as I believe that by doing my experiments I will be able to come up with a more unusual and unique design ideas.

I found doing the experiments very useful as I am not the best drawer and by making models I was able to express my ideas well.

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